•Your Ingame Name -
•Your Location (e.g where you live) -
•Your Timezone
•Your Age - Post your age. (Do not post Almost 18 (1 month) Just simply post your age. -
•Average time spent on the server and the forums daily: -
•Contact possibilities: (NAME OF SOCIAL MEDIA U ARE USING)-
•How long you've been playing SA:MP:
•How long you've been playing on the server:
•Explain why you want to be an admin:
•Explain why you should be the "chosen one" admin:
Testing Questions:
If you saw an hacker who used AB,what would you do?:
If you saw someone abusing bugs,what would you do?:
If an player and other player arguing and insulting&spamming the chat,what would you do?:
If an bigger admin than you abused his power,what would you do?:
Do you accept that you have all the requirements?
•You must meet these requirements, otherwise your admin application will be rejected:
•Player must be active, respectable, helpful and good.
•Activity on the forum, atleast 15 posts on the forum
•Registered for atleast 3 days on the forum and on the server
•A minimum of 10 hours of playing time on the server - LEGAL
•You must include a screenshot of your statistics on the server
•Must have a good behavior,calm,mature and trustable
•Understable english
•Get at-least +150 score ( will be changed )